
Unit 12 | Assignment - Web Visualization Dashboard (Latitude)


Data is more powerful when we share it with others! Let’s take what we’ve learned about HTML and CSS to create a dashboard showing off the analysis we’ve done.


Latitude - Latitude Analysis Dashboard with Attitude

For this homework we’ll be creating a visualization dashboard website using visualizations we’ve created in a past assignment. Specifically, we’ll be plotting weather data.

In building this dashboard, we’ll create individual pages for each plot and a means by which we can navigate between them. These pages will contain the visualizations and their corresponding explanations. We’ll also have a landing page, a page where we can see a comparison of all of the plots, and another page where we can view the data used to build them.

Website Requirements

For reference, see the “Screenshots” section below.

The website must consist of 7 pages total, including:

The website must, at the top of every page, have a navigation menu that:

Finally, the website must be deployed to GitHub pages.

When finished, submit to BootcampSpot the links to 1) the deployed app and 2) the GitHub repository.




This section contains screenshots of each page that must be built, at varying screen widths. These are a guide; you can meet the requirements without having the pages look exactly like the below images.

Landing page

Large screen: Landing page large screen

Small screen: Landing page small screen

Comparisons page

Large screen: comparison page large screen

Small screen: comparison page small screen

Data page

Large screen: data page large screen

Small screen: data page small screen

Visualization pages

You’ll build four of these, one for each visualization. Here’s an example of one:

Large screen: visualize page large screen

Small screen: visualize page small screen

Large screen: nav menu large screen

Small screen: nav menu small screen